mayo, 2023
Reservas cerradas
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(Viernes) 9:00 - 12:00
Foment del Treball
Via Laietana, 32-34, Principal, Barcelona
Detalles del evento
Detalles del evento

We are pleased to invite you to INDIA ADVANTAGE – Synergies & Opportunities for Spanish companies, organized by the Embassy of India & Invest India along with Foment del Treball, Port of Barcelona, Casia Asia and BDO.
09:00 h. Reception attendees
09:15 h. Welcome and presentation of the seminar
Ms. Mª Helena de Felipe, vice president, Foment del Treball
Mr. Shri Dinesh k. Patnaik, Ambassador of India in Spain
09:30 h. Opportunities and Synergies for Spanish companies in India
Mr. Raja Singh Khurana, vice president, Invest India
10:00 h. Incentives, legal – regulatory – tax framework
Mr. Sudhnshu Karandikar, BDO
10:30 h. Presentation «Trade Mission to India» of Port de Barcelona
Mr. Manel Galán, Externa Relations Manager, Port de Barcelona
10:40 h. Round table with Spanish and Indian companies
11:10 h. Q & A
11.30 h. Networking
12:00 h. End of seminar
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