
octubre, 2023

26oct10:3012:00Actividad finalizadaUS BIG OPPORTUNITIES: THE 12 STEPS FOR A US SUCCESSLa sessió forma part de la Setmana de la internacionalització d'Acció10:30 - 12:00 Webinar por ZoomACTIVIDAD FINALIZADA


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(Jueves) 10:30 - 12:00


Webinar por Zoom

Webinar per Zoom

Detalles del evento

Join us at our Webinar. Access to an array of speakers that can support Spanish businesses with US investment aspirations. We explore the comprehensive operational support needed to establish, grow and streamline your US business activity

 Join this webinar to learn more about what you need to know and plan in your US expansion and discover the tools you can leverage. 

 Some of the key webinar takeaways are : 

1.When should i consider establishing US operations?

2. Ensuring compliance across state and federal tax regimes

3. How long does US set up take and how much does it cost?

Among others…


10.30 am – Welcome

FOMENT (tbc)

USA Commercial Service (tbc)

10.40 am – 12 US Steps Road Map,

Dr Frank Levene, Blue Link Worldwide

10.50 am – A Global Platform & Human Capital,

Deel inc (Spain)

11.00 am  – North Carolina, Top US State For Business,

Mr Luigi Mercuri, Managing Director of Investment Europe, North Carolina

11.10 am – Minimising US Legal Risks

Mr Tom Thorelli, Thorelli & Partners

11.20 am – Doing US Taxes Right

Ms Z Sofia Nagy, Regional SalesManager, Avalara 

11.30 am – Accounting Solutions For Managing a USA Subsidiary

Mr Hugues Retif, COO, International Management Solutions 

11.40 am – Leadership, Culture and Language 

Ms Cathy Branson, Business Director, Dialogue Inc.

11.50 am –  Q &A

Moderated by Dr Frank Levene

12.00 pm – Close & Wrap Up


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