Foment del Treball Nacional received the Alares Award 2015 for excellence in labour risk prevention for disabled people. The jury of the IV edition of the Alares Awards assessed the publications edited by the Office for Labour Risk Prevention (OPRL, in Spanish) to help enterprises adapt the work environment for disabled people.
The preventive tools presented to the IV edition of the Alares National Awards for excellence in labour risk prevention for disabled people are:
- How to evaluate positions occupied by physically disabled people? A methodological approximation to evaluate labour risks
- Guide for preventive management of positions occupied by sensorial disabled people
- Guide for the management of labour risk prevention for intellectually disabled people
- White book of preventive and inclusive design of a health centre
- Computer app for the adaptation of the workplace
The goal of these preventive tools is to increase the companies’ information and knowledge about disability and its types, eliminating the base of stereotypes and prejudices that make labour risk prevention strategies to be drawn generalist and not according to concrete aspects.

The caremony for the IV Alares Awards took place on 24 June 2015 in the CaixaForum Auditorium in Madrid. The awards have become a global model for labour risk prevention for the disabled.
Office for Labour Risk Prevention of Foment. Model since 2001
Foment del Treball offers, since 2001, a service of technical advice on labour risk prevention management for SME through its Office for Labour Risk Prevention (OPRL). Foment answers any type of enquiry about preventive measures and pays visit to businesses to give advice on the effective implementation of health and safety measures at the workplace. It also carries out a yearly calendar of open activities to inform about news in labour risk prevention management, while at the same time it works on a collection of informative material and preventive tools for the Catalan business environment. It offers all the information through the webpage
Alares Foundation
The Alares Foundation Works on the improvement of the quality of life of people and the promotion of Business and Institutional Competitiveness. Nowadays, the Alares Foundation draws five strategic areas for its activities, all originated by the situation we are living in that affects sustainable social and economic development in our country.
- Prevention of the situation of dependence and universal and quality assistance for people in situation of dependence and they caregivers
- Development of Policies, Measures and Services that facilitate the conciliation of Personal, Familiar and Work Life amongst people and businesses. With that, they take care of the family, they promote gender equality and they promote business competitiveness.
- Promotion and inclusion in the labour market of Disabled People, and of those with especial difficulties or in risk of social exclusion. The Foundation trains, gives advice and acts as guardians for the disabled and the companies, with the aim of easing their correct integration in the labour market.
- Diversity Management in organizations and nondiscrimination for any matter of gender, religion, origin, economic situation, sexual preferences, age, disability… as a source of wellness and social richness and innovation and business competitiveness.
- Fight against Unemployment through the project “AutoEMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS CREATION”: they try to promote social and economic development through AutoEmployement through MicroEnterprises, MicroFranchises and MicroCredits.
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