09:00 Host opening
09:30 Welcome speech
Mr. Josep Sánchez Llibre, President, Foment del Treball
Mr. Yves Leterme, former prime minister of Belgium & President Tojoy West Europe
09:55 Latest China Economic situation
Mr. Le Xia, Chief Economist for Asia, BBVA
10:20 Catalonia China Economic relations
Mr. Amadeo Jensana, Director of Economics and Business Department, Casa Asia
10:40 Round table: Catalan companies already in China
Mr. Joao Cabral, Sales Director, self-auto adhesive division, Lecta
Mr. Jacobo Beltran, Senior Advisor, Grant Thornton
11:25 Coffee Break
11:45 Developing & accelerating Business in China
Mr. Jun Ge, Global CEO, Tojoy
12:10 Round table: Funding your Development in China, right structure & partner
Mr. Richard Burton, CEO, Tojoy EMEA West
Mr. Tianlun Li, President, Ouicrea
Mr. Jesus Mardomingo, Head of Banking and Finance practice, Dentons
Moderator: Mr. Peter Vanham, Head of communication of the President of the World Economic Forum
13:00 Closing keynote
Mr. Josep Duran, former president of Foreign Affairs Committee of the Congres of Deputies
Mr. Enrico Letta, former prime minister of Italy
13:15 Lunch networking
Simultaneous translation service
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